A car accident can cost more than expected due to the damages to the car, medical expenses in case of injuries, loss of wage, depression, stress, etc. Sometimes a car accident can cost millions of dollars due to the surgeries. A court is legally bound to compensate according to the damages. So if a person is injured in a car accident then he/she can win millions of dollars if the damages are significant enough.
Example of how much can be awarded by the court system:
Courts grant the compensation of $997,997 to a driver whose taxi was hit head on by a truck. The driver injured his back which required surgery. So an injured person should first calculate the economic and non-economic damages that he/she faced and then file the claim in the court. The court will consider the submitted facts and evidence and then grant the compensation as per prayer to the court.
How do know what my care is worth?
If you are injured in an accident then the very first step is to contact the personal injury lawyer. Then calculate the damages and collect the evidence. The calculation of compensation should include the economic and non-economic damages. The Civil Procedure rule states that every person is entitled to only those damages which he faced. Each party who has the right to file a complaint can sue in the court for their damages which they are facing after the death of the deceased.
They can file the suit for the following damages:
Emotional Trauma
- In emotional trauma, they can sue in the court for the stress, mental & physical stress they faced. Their emotional attachment with the deceased and other things that they faced during that time.
Lost Companionship
- Lost Companionship suit can file by each party who has the right to file the case, for example,
- Sibling can file suit for the damages that they lost a friend, a true and loyal sibling, a good company
- Child can file the suit for damages for the loss of guidance, Love of guardian
- Wife can sue for damages for loss of a loyal life partner, romantic benefit, other needs etc.
Financial Support
- The family of the deceased can sue in the court for financial support. After the death of the deceased, they all suffered from financial loss. Each party who was dependent on the deceased can sue for financial support.
Lost Wages
- Lost wages is the amount of money lost during the course or treatment during the time a doctor has you out of work. The time needed to properly heal from injury whether or not surgery is recommended or performed. This amount can be sometimes covered by the insurance or the attorney may be able to recuperate the money through a lawsuit.
Lost Investment
- In Lost Investment, the family can sue for the investments that the deceased has invested during his life. Insurance policies, investment in the business, car insurance etc.
Medical Expenditures
- In medical expenditures the injured party or legal representative can claim the medical expenses i.e. medical bills, cost of surgeries, medical treatment as well as future medical treatment needed for an ongoing condition.
Legal Representation
In car accident cases, It is important to consult with an lawyer and appoint him or her as a legal representative in the court. In these matters, the most important point is to prove the neglect, default, and omission of the guilty person so the investigation should start from the ground level. A person who understands the law should be available all time to monitor all the proceedings. That’s why a person who doesn’t know much about the law cannot get justice easily from the court.
* The information provided for you on the injuryattorney.net does not constitute any attorney-client relationship. The information on this website is not based on any specific case. It is intended to serve as an example of what you may expect when perusing a lawsuit with a personal injury attorney.